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Dear Comenius Friends all over Europe,
my last holidays before your invasion in Augsburg are history. The Dublin Marathon was the ideal warming up for the start of our common Comenius project “Opening Doors towards Lifelong Learning.”
I hope our Comenius website will make it easier for all of us to exchange exciting ideas and communicate quite regularly. A bravissimo for Richard, my old friend and webmaster who will take good care of our website and will always be on our side – maybe you will meet him in Augsburg.
Today I was relieved when I learned that all of you will at least stay for three days in the same hotel. One team (probably Murcia) might have to stay the first night in a different hotel, another team (probably Bourges) even the first two days – sorry about that!
All the pupils will be staying in families. To organize this it would be super if you could send me (again) the names of the pupils who come with you to Augsburg (plus age, e-mail, mobile phone numbers and information if they stick to a special diet, etc.)
What else? You will get a preliminary program before the next full moon.shines like a spoon over Augsburg. You are obliged to do a homework, to be more exact you are supposed to do three homeworks.
First things first: You should prepare a power point presentation about your school, your town, your country … This (max. 10 minutes!!!) presentation should be an appetizer and give the others an idea what to expect when they come to visit you.
As you might already know our Comenius crew will take part in the Beatles Memorial Event 'Magical History Tour' on the day of your arrival and on Friday morning.
Your pupils should either prepare a power point presentation in which they contrast the Sixties in your school/town/country with nowadays. Alternatively they could create some posters. They could/should focus on music, family life, idols, fashion, political movements, food, leisure time activities, travel, etc.
To find about these things they could interview senior teachers or grandparents, etc.
In an ideal world you would send me the power point presentation three days before you come to Ausgburg. The posters your pupils could do will be part of an exposition.
Apart from this you should also send me a mp3 file of a Spanish, French, Danish or Cornish song that was as popular in your country in the mid Sixties as the most popular Beatles songs.
Just-a one kind favor I ask you – there will be a farewell party on Monday evening and the idea is to spice it up with an European buffet. It would be super if you could bring along some culinary regional delights and thus make it a farewell party to remember – play it simple, but play the game!
That's all for now. Time to hit the sack. If tomorrow wasn't such a long time ...
PS As some of you might have noticed right away there are a few Bob Dylan quotations hidden in this text. The Comenius team who spots them first and sends me the right solution(s) will be given an extra award. Looking forward to seeing you! You can be in my dreams, if I can be in yours
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Hello everyone. I hope things are going well in your schools. Our thoughts are with Sos and her husband. Antonio, I hope the potty-training is working - for your son that is, not you. Udo, I'm sure you are working hard to plan a mega-event for December - we are expecting the work we do with you to be even better than last time - no pressure there then!
So, why am I emailing you all with a Christmas message 62 days early??
Well, one of our eccentric Englishmen employed at the school,Tony, has
come up with a mad idea which I think you might all like. Last year Tony
and I took a group of students to one of our partner schools, a Special
School in Rietberg, Germany. We made a mix of "jingle bells" which we put
on the school website. Have a look at it (1:55 min):
Tony has suggested we make a more professional version of an international
(well, ok, German) Christmas song, Stille Nacht, Noche de paz, Glade jul,
Nuit de Paix, Nos hep son, Silent Night. By using our musicians going to
the German meeting, we could film short clips of the song in the different
languages. If we made short films in our own countries first, (Tony
provided the backing track. Listen to it or download it here:
To download the the file use this link:
Download the mp3
We could then film another all together in Germany and Tony will mix it. The idea would be that we could then put it on i-tunes for sale and the funds could go to an international charity like UNICEF, for example.
So let me know what you think of Mad Tony's idea - if we are all up for it, I will get more details to you. Best regards to you all,
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Comenius project Opening Doors
For complaints, questions, comments regarding the Comenius project
contact: udolegner@gmx.de ,
regarding this site
contact: richard@richardhwinter.de